Cuties and halos
Cuties and halos

cuties and halos

With eighty percent of the population either overweight, obese, or TOFI (thin on the outside, fat on the inside), mandarins are just what the doctor ordered! These little fruits also can help you with your cholesterol levels helping to lower your LDL levels. Low in calories and fat, they are a great food to help with weight loss.

cuties and halos

Throw in a little vitamin A, some calcium and fiber and you have a healthy snack. If you eat just 2-3 of them you get more than your daily allowance for vitamin C. Mandarins are very healthy with lots of vitamin C and antioxidants to help fight cancer. It just seems like every time I am in Publix they have the Cuties on sale, but I have tried other brands and they are just fine too. They peel easy, and that makes them an awesome snack for people on the go! Halo or Cuties are just a couple of brand names and it really doesn’t matter if it’s a mandarin, tangerine, or a clementine, they are all pretty much the same. Halo Mandarins or Cuties are really healthy, and have great nutritional value.

Cuties and halos